How do you know your health is thriving?

by | Apr 10, 2020


How do you know that you are truly healthy, that you’re not just surviving but you’re actually thriving with robust health underneath the surface? I’m Dr. Christy Flick. And I’m Dr. Jennifer Taylor, and we’re with HealthWorks: A Family Wellness Center in Plano, Texas. And we actually have some technology that lets us look underneath the surface to see exactly how your body’s functioning and performing.

Because, you know, you’re coming in here for a reason, right? You came in here for headaches or low back pain, other health issues that you really want solutions for and we’re here to help you with that. But, we first need to find out where it’s coming from, finding the cause and not just chasing your symptoms around.

Absolutely. It’s a little bit different than maybe taking a pill for a symptom. Like if you have a headache and you take a pill and that takes care of it for the moment. But does it really do anything to prevent that from happening again or figuring out the root cause of what was going on there? Probably not. So, we need some way of being able to tell exactly what’s happening at the foundation of your body to find out why these symptoms keep recurring for you.

Right? So we actually do some very in-depth nervous system scans and they consist of several different scans that we do. So just to kind of explain that a little bit, you know, what you can tell us, what you put on your intake forms, what you tell us in the consult, the problems that you’re having. Yeah. Yes. That’s 10% of what’s going on. 10% is all you can tell it’s only 10% of your nerve fibers in your body are allocated to pain.

That’s it. So 90% you’ve got no clue what’s going on. No clue, no clue. So that’s where the thriving or just surviving part comes in because 10% you can, you know, you can tell if you’re feeling good. Well, that means that 10% of your nervous system is actually telling you that, which is fabulous. I mean, you don’t want to have pain, but what’s happening on the other 90%, right? So we look at the autonomic nervous system, the part that controls all your organs and glands. By using a thermography scan, it looks at the difference in temperature on either side of the spine. It’s this small width right there to see it as an irritation inflammation of those nerve fibers. Then we moved to the motor nervous system, the muscles, you know, we get tense and tight all day long from sitting and doing our jobs.

And so we want to see how those nerves going to that area is functioning. The third test is called heart rate variability. It essentially looks at how well you’re dealing with environmental stressors: chemical, physical, emotional, you know, how is that affecting your health and your overall, you know, human experience. Yes. So this gives us an overall picture of how well your nervous system is functioning. And you know, since it’s been a little while since ninth grade biology, your nervous system is what controls everything that happens in your body from how you experience life, to being able to concentrate on the task, to moving, your muscles, to digesting your food and telling you how you’re feeling. Exactly. So when we’re done with this test, you actually get your own, what we call a core score. This gives you the opportunity to look at what’s doing well and what we need to work on.

We actually use this particular test to help determine your not only where you were when you first came in, where you are right now, and where you need to go. So it’s kind of a road map as to how you’re healing because you know everybody heals differently. Exactly. And this will give you a score and it’s a little bit like a grade at school. So you can see how well you’re functioning underneath the surface. So if you look at this one right here, you can actually see that not too bad and organ and gland function. We’re doing pretty good. Got an A in that. And then, uh, an 89 , a B+ in the muscle tone and balance, but heart rate variability, how the body is actually dealing with everything that comes toward you every day is struggling a bit. So now that’s how we know that that’s the area that needs the most attention. So we can actually use that to continue your care.

Yeah. To custom fit care just for you based on what you, where your body’s struggling and where it’s doing really well.

HealthWorks: A Family Wellness Center is a chiropractic and wellness center located in Plano, Texas. Our chiropractors, Dr. Christy Flick and Dr. Jennifer Taylor, have been helping patients function better since starting private practice in 2005. For information about this article or other chiropractic questions, please contact our office at 972-612-1800.